Citizens working to lower insurance rates on the Mississippi Gulf Coast

The Coastal Mississippi Homeowner’s Hurricane Insurance Initiative (HHII) met June 26 at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in Long Beach. After a biblical reflection by Rev. Louis Lohan, Bob Chatham gave a brief overview of HHII Goals. A brief history of the Alabama HHI was given followed by reports from the Coastal MS HHII specialty teams.

Michelle Kurtz of HHII Alabama gave a brief eye opening power point presentation explaining the development of increases in wind/storm insurance in coastal areas that have been based on inaccurate hurricane models and the unsupported assumption of higher risk in coastal areas.

A Clarity Law, which was passed in Alabama is now providing data that proves that coastal counties in Alabama have a lower loss per policy than other areas of the state, although being charged hundreds of times higher rates. For more information on the Alabama Clarity Law data, select the menu link above. Louisiana recently passed a similar Clarity Law.

It is time for Mississippi to pass a Clarity Bill which will require insurance companies to report claims data by zip code. This is the first step to finding a solution for the unjustifiable insurance rate hikes that have taken place in Mississippi Coastal Counties since Hurricane Katrina. The Mississippi Insurance Commissioner/Insurance Department is obligated to its citizens to assure just rates. Accurate data reporting from insurance companies is absolutely essential to protecting homeowners and businesses from being overcharged.

To learn more, visit the links above. Please attend the next meeting of HHII at St. Thomas Catholic Church  720 E. Beach Blvd. in Long Beach on July17 at 6:30pm. Please inform yourself and help us work for insurance rates that are equitable and just.


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